Two Powerful Ways to Stick to Your Goals in 2024

Photo by Alex Radelich on Unsplash

Firstly, I want to say a big Happy New Year to all my readers on here.

If you’re one of many thinking about New Years Resolutions, I’ll say what I’ve said every year: don’t wait for the midnight fireworks to make the changes you desire.

Most people start off strong with good intentions, and within the first week or month, have thrown in the towel. ‘Oh well, maybe next year’, they sigh. Or ‘I’m just not good enough to do this’.

The first key to staying on track is to have a powerful why. Without a why, your efforts are doomed. Do you want to quit smoking so that you see your grandchild grow up? Do you want to get fit so that you can feel more confident? Why do you want that new job and how will you get it? Be specific with your why. The more specific, the better.

The most important key of all? Start now. Not when everyone cheers Happy New Year. Not when you wake up for the first time in 2024. In fact, you should start any time of the year, as soon as the desire strikes you. It’s never too soon or too busy, but one day it will be too late.

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